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Fund Your Health by Reducing Colds by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Immune Wealth H-Investment: Incentive Spirometer This is another very wise H-Investment that improves your overall health and wealth. Now is the perfect time to buy-in and get your H-Investments in place for the upcoming cold and flu season. Colds and flu are like a dip in the stock market, you…

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Fund Your Health by Protecting Your Immune System by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) H-Asset: Immune Wealth Colds and flu are like a dip in the stock market, you still have to stay invested in your h-portfolio despite feeling the heat. Now is the perfect time to buy-in and get your Must Have H-Investments in place. Rebalancing your H-Portfolio might be necessary if you are not getting…

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