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Fund Your Health by Preventing Infections by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth Fund Your Health by Preventing Infections The H-Asset You Want to Acquire: Family Wealth The H-Investment You Need to Make: Infection Control Techniques Right now–in fact, at any given time—one out of every 25 patients has an infection related to care they received in a hospital, according to the…

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Fund Your Health by Preventing Falls by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth The H-Asset You Want To Aquire: Family Wealth H-Investment You Need To Make: Fall Prevention Falls are very common and can occur in all age groups. Falls are the leading cause of injuries and deaths among older Americans. Children, ages 15 and younger, and young adults, ages of 15…

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Fund Your Health by Investing in Acupuncture by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Family Wealth H-Investment: Acupuncture Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years, and there is a reason for that. It works! Illness occurs when there is an imbalance or interruption of one’s Qi. Acupuncture increases overall energy and vitality, and helps the body achieve balance. Regular, monthly acupuncture…

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Fund Your Health by Spreading Your Money Around by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Family Wealth  H-Investment: Diversification My Fund Your Health Series is about sharing my journey to wellness and how each fork in the road taught me something valuable. In the early 2000s, I was at a life-changing fork in the road. I had to decide my path; surgery or…

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Fund Your Health by Reducing the Signs Of Aging (Part 2) by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Family Wealth  H-Investment: Sunscreen Building an H-Portfolio that includes this H-Investment (Sunscreen) is very affordable. The sun can warm us and uplift us, but can also be the skin’s worst enemy. One in five Americans develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Even children can be at risk for…

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Fund Your Health by Reducing Your Health Risk by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Family Wealth  H-Investment: Advocacy Advocacy is another very wise H-Investment that improves your overall health and wealth. Building an H-Portfolio that includes this H-Investment (Advocacy) is very affordable (and in most cases it is FREE). I began advocating for myself more than 30 years ago, after my illness, and…

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Fund Your Health (Part 3) by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Family Wealth  H-Investment: Discretionary H-Fund Here is another very wise H-Investment that improves your overall health and wealth. Here is my H=W (Health = Wealth) formula: In finance, there are emergency funds as well as discretionary funds. As far as discretionary H-Expense, these costs are not considered essential. However,…

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Fund Your Health (Part 2) by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Family Wealth  H-Investment: Emergency H-Fund Here is another very wise H-Investment that improves your overall health and wealth. Here is my H=W (Health = Wealth) formula: In finance, there are emergency funds as well as discretionary funds. An emergency fund is an account that is needed in the…

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Fund Your Health by Reducing the Signs Of Aging by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) H-Asset: Family Wealth-Sun Insurance The sun can warm us and uplift us, but can also be the skin’s worst enemy. Even a good H-Portfolio can fall into a potential trap and take a downturn. Don’t let this happen to you and your family. There is still time to invest in-your-skin and keep…

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Fund Your Health by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) H-Asset: Family Wealth (What is CAM?) Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices have been used for thousands of years to promote physical and mental well-being. CAM is a general term that represents a group of medical and health care products, services, interventions, or practitioners that are not generally considered part of conventional…

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