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Fund Your Health by Reducing Low Back Pain by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) H-Asset: Spinal Wealth- Low Back A healthy spine is the IRA (Individual Retirement Account) of our body. The more you supplement your current “savings”, the greater your health advantage in years to come. Practice guidelines have been established by the American College of Physicians (2017) for the diagnosis and treatment of low back…

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Fund Your Health by Reducing Joint Pain by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) H-Asset: Joint Wealth Arthritis refers to nearly 100 different rheumatic diseases of the areas in and around the joints of the body. Lupus, scleroderma, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis have often been included with the classic arthritic conditions. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. In the United States, a staggering, 81 billion dollars…

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Fund Your Health by Protecting Your Lungs by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) H-Asset: Pulmonary Wealth Our pulmonary wealth is an H-Asset that keeps on giving breath after breath throughout our lifetime. That first slap in the delivery room sets off a natural life force that should support us through our retirement years. Reducing respiratory H-Problems (health-problems) should be one of your H-Investments that should be…

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