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Fund Your Health by Reducing Stress by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) H-Asset: Emotional Wealth Our emotions are our guidance system and symptoms of anxiety and stress continually deplete our H-Portfolio’s asset; Emotional Wealth. This results in huge emotional and physical debt, as well as taxing of our health care resources. Anxiety, back problems, depression, digestive problems, headaches, heart attacks, insomnia, stroke, and many other…

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Fund Your Health by Protecting Your Immune System by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) H-Asset: Immune Wealth Colds and flu are like a dip in the stock market, you still have to stay invested in your h-portfolio despite feeling the heat. Now is the perfect time to buy-in and get your Must Have H-Investments in place. Rebalancing your H-Portfolio might be necessary if you are not getting…

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