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Fund Your Health by Reducing Cardiac Events by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Cardiovascular Wealth  H-Investment: Maintain a healthy weight Maintaining a healthy weight is another very wise H-Investment that improves your overall health and wealth. Cardiovascular health needs to be reviewed on an ongoing basis to evaluate whether you and your family are comfortable with your overall H-Portfolio. One out of every three…

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Fund Your Health by Reducing Joint Pain by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) H-Asset: Joint Wealth Arthritis refers to nearly 100 different rheumatic diseases of the areas in and around the joints of the body. Lupus, scleroderma, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis have often been included with the classic arthritic conditions. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. In the United States, a staggering, 81 billion dollars…

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