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Fund Your Health by Reducing Joint Pain (Part 2) by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Joint Wealth  H-Investment: Physical Exercise (Walking and Stairs)  Physical exercise is another very wise H-Investment that improves your overall health and wealth. Building an H-Portfolio that includes this H-Investment (Physical Exercise) is very affordable (and in most places FREE). Inflation could be your inflammation. Just as inflation can diminish…

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Fund Your Health by Reducing Low Back Pain (Part 2) by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Spinal Wealth  H-Investment: Hydration Hydrating the body is another very wise H-Investment that improves your overall health and wealth. Building an H-Portfolio that includes this H-investment (Hydration) is very affordable (and in most places FREE). Reducing the astronomical cost of low back pain treatments warrants this sort of H-Investment….

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Fund Your Health by Reducing Anxiety by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Emotional Wealth  H-Investment: Meditation Meditation is another very wise H-Investment that improves your overall health and wealth. Here is my H=W (Health = Wealth) formula: Building an H-Portfolio that includes the mind-body connection seems quite reasonable, and—after all—it’s free, and it works. Reducing the astronomical cost of anxiety treatments…

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Fund Your Health (Part 3) by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Family Wealth  H-Investment: Discretionary H-Fund Here is another very wise H-Investment that improves your overall health and wealth. Here is my H=W (Health = Wealth) formula: In finance, there are emergency funds as well as discretionary funds. As far as discretionary H-Expense, these costs are not considered essential. However,…

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Fund Your Health (Part 2) by Dr. Lisa Williams

HEALTH PORTFOLIO (H-Portfolio) Health = Wealth H-Asset: Family Wealth  H-Investment: Emergency H-Fund Here is another very wise H-Investment that improves your overall health and wealth. Here is my H=W (Health = Wealth) formula: In finance, there are emergency funds as well as discretionary funds. An emergency fund is an account that is needed in the…

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